


医师助理(PAs)是诊断疾病的医疗专业人员, 制定和管理治疗计划, prescribe medications, 并且经常作为病人的主要医疗保健提供者. 经过数千小时的医疗培训,私人助理多才多艺,善于合作.



The ARC-PA has granted Accreditation-Provisional状态 to the 利记sbo Physician Assistant Program sponsored by 利记sbo. Accreditation-Provisional is an accreditation status granted when the plans and resource allocation, 如果完全按照计划执行, of a proposed program that has not yet enrolled students appear to demonstrate the program’s ability to meet the ARC-PA Standards or when a program holding Accreditation Provisional status appears to demonstrate continued progress in complying with the Standards as it prepares for the graduation of the first class (cohort) of students. 认证-临时认证并不保证任何后续的认证状态. 从第一届学生入学之日起不超过五年. 该项目的认证历史可以在ARC-PA网站上查看 http://www.arc-pa.org/accreditation-history-lawrence-technological-university/


我们的录取程序是滚动的, allowing applicants to submit their materials at any time during the open application cycle. 这意味着一旦您的应用程序完成, it will be reviewed, 我们将在持续的基础上做出决定. 利记sbo强烈鼓励所有申请人尽早申请. Once all thirty spots have been filled, later applications will only be considered for the waitlist.

Clinical rotations are located in the greater Detroit and surrounding areas with preceptors committed to supporting the 利记sbo Ascension partnership and vision. Your clinical experiences will be both outpatient and within the hospital setting and will be arranged entirely by 利记sbo.

Our students participate in clinical experiences within the following local hospital systems:

  • Ascension
  • Corewell Health
  • Covenant Medical Center
  • Detroit Medical Center
  • Henry Ford Health
  • Hurley Medical Center
  • Memorial Hospital
  • 密歇根医疗中心(米德兰 & West Branch)
  • Sparrow
  • Spectrum
  • Trinity Health Michigan
  • VA Healthcare

You will learn some of the most common electronic medical records (EMR) charting systems. 在整个项目中,你将有机会提高自己的技能. In addition, you will graduate having the knowledge and abilities to utilize key technology in diagnosing and treating your patients.

利记sbo实行以学生为本的思想,以你为中心. 您的整体幸福和成功是我们激情背后的驱动力. The PA faculty at 利记sbo is committed to your personal success and to providing the physical, 需要精神和情感上的支持来帮助你. One of your PA professors will serve as your personal advisor and mentor throughout your journey at 利记sbo and will guide you to other University resources should you need them.

我们的课程通常采用案例学习, immersing students in real-world scenarios to foster critical thinking and practical problem-solving skills. 通过参与真实的案例, students not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also develop the ability to apply their expertise in complex and dynamic situations.

The newly-built, highly innovative, 专门的PA教室和实验室与技术相结合. Multiple areas in the program space have recording and playback capabilities to facilitate your learning. You will have access to the exam rooms throughout the week to hone your skills at your own pace. In addition, 有专门的休息室供您休息, 放松和补充能量一整天.

The faculty have different areas of expertise which allows our program to provide you with distinct interdisciplinary experiences from the classroom to the lab. Instructors will collaborate and teach the core classes to best utilize their individual expertise and professional experience, 给你最好的理解和成功的机会. Our instructors are passionate about providing you the best student experience possible. 我们提供多种与教师互动的方式,我们的大门永远是敞开的. Your feedback is valuable to us and an essential component of our ongoing commitment to excellence.

利记sbo地理位置便利, 方便的交通和充足的免费停车场在程序大楼的几步之内. 该建筑对PA的学生和教师有安全的通道. 整个校园的建筑、实验室和教室都是残疾人无障碍的. The Sim Lab is located at Ascension Providence Southfield and the Anatomy Lab is located at Ascension Providence Novi.

我们的PA教师团队从头到尾致力于您的成功. The 利记sbo faculty will conduct frequent informational sessions which we strongly encourage all interested applicants to attend. Our informational sessions are filled with useful information to answer the most common questions, with a Q&A at the end.

If, 在参加了我们的一个介绍会之后, 你想和教员进行15分钟的一对一谈话, please register here: http://apply.usa-kj.com/portal/pa1:1 . Or feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about the program and one of our PA faculty will answer your question: paprogram@usa-kj.com .

因为这个项目的学术要求, 该项目强烈不鼓励学生在注册期间工作.

Students are not required to obtain clinical sites or preceptors for their clinical rotations. 如果一个学生想被安排在一个特定的临床地点, 可向临床协调员提出要求. Not all requests will be granted because the program must appropriately vet each clinical site and preceptor before student placement is allowed.

如果你有兴趣帮助我们培训下一代医师助理, 然后你可以成为一名学生模范志愿者. Our volunteers come from all walks of life – from those who want to give something back, 对于想要拓宽工作经验的学生, gain volunteer or community service hours and future applicants who want to get to know the faculty and program. What all our volunteers have in common is they wish to give their time to help us train compassionate and competent Physician Assistants.

Here at 利记sbo , we want to give our Physician Assistant students opportunities to develop their practical skills in supervised conditions, 在他们将所学付诸实践之前. As part of this training, we need volunteers to take part in hands on examinations where our students carry out basic, 无创体检. As a volunteer you will experience basic physical examinations (such as blood pressure and pulse oximeter monitoring) performed by Physician Assistant students. 每次考试都有一名注册医师助理在场监督.

你不需要接受任何正式的培训. 在每次考试之前,你会得到详细的介绍. 你可以穿着自己喜欢的衣服往返考场, 但是为了考试,你需要穿你自己的短裤, 如果可以的话,穿个运动文胸, 到达后会给你一件医院风格的长袍.  

Volunteering would be multiple times a semester; dates and times will vary. 你可以根据自己的日程安排自愿参加或少或多的约会.

If you are interested in becoming a student model volunteer, please click the link below and complete the form .

Submit form

Ascension Simulation Lab

本实验让学生掌握最先进模型的程序技能, cadaver specimens, 以及阿森松医疗专业人员使用的优质设备. 利用超声波和机器人手术模拟器, 从实际研究中获得令人印象深刻的放射图像库, 以及对各种诊断和程序的广泛接触和教育.
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利记sbo的PA计划致力于培养相互尊重的环境, 尊重并拥抱每一个人的价值. Any violation of a person’s civil liberties may be subject to penalty by state or federal law. 种族骚扰和歧视, color, religion, gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, political ideology, socio-economic class, 性取向或智力或身体能力是不被容忍的. 要报告事件,请访问 usa-kj.com/dei/titleix .

利记sbo encourages an open learning environment where a free exchange of beliefs and ideas are encouraged and each person's dignity and value is maintained. 利记sbo DEI网站位于 catalog.usa-kj.com/dei .

Physician Assistant


