ehelpSafe Computing

Using computers is a useful and necessary activity, 但它也可能涉及到你的电脑和你的个人信息的风险. 安全计算实践是计算机软件和安全设置的结合. To keep your computer safe use up to date antivirus, use the Internet safely, protect your data by using secure connections, 并通过使用强密码和控制对计算机的访问来保护您的计算机和信息安全.

Anti-Virus Protection

Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection



所有大学笔记本电脑和台式机都安装了微软系统中心端点保护(SCEP)杀毒软件. SCEP在每个系统上自动运行防病毒扫描和更新病毒定义.

使用Lawrence Tech笔记本电脑或台式机的用户不需要做任何事情来配置或管理SCEP软件.

If you have other questions about SCEP, 请致电248与Lawrence Tech Computer Help Desk联系.204.2330 or by email at .

Secure Your Home Wireless Network

When managing wireless connections at home, 使互联网对你开放的品质也使它对其他人开放. 要聪明地保护你的网络以保护你的隐私,这样只有那些你允许的人才能访问它.

有两个基本步骤来保护你的家庭网络:(1)保持你的设备是最新的;(2)保护你的无线路由器. For specific instructions, 请参阅Internet服务提供商或设备制造商的文档.

  1. 用最新的操作系统更新所有能上网的设备, web browsers, and security software. 这包括访问您的无线网络的任何移动设备, 比如物联网(IoT)设备,比如联网恒温器, lights, refrigerator, and so on. Security software includes antivirus or anti-malware software. Check your devices for updates regularly and keep them up-to-date.
  2. Secure your wireless router. 你的WiFi网络是通过将互联网接入点(如电缆或DSL调制解调器)连接到无线路由器来创建的. 无线路由器上的默认设置(如通用密码)可能会受到损害. Here are the ways to secure a wireless router (如有必要,请参阅路由器附带的详细说明):
  • Change the name of your wireless network. 路由器广播的默认名称或ID是由制造商分配的. 将其更改为您唯一的名称,并且不会显示有关型号或制造商的信息.
  • Change the preset password for your router. 保持默认密码不变会使未经授权的人更容易访问您的网络. Choose a strong password and store it in a safe location. 除非你正在修复网络问题或更改路由器设置,否则你可能不需要使用这个密码.
  • Encrypt WiFi traffic. When choosing your router’s level of security, opt for Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) if available, or Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). 这些级别比无线等效隐私(WEP)选项更安全.
  • Disable remote administration. 您不太可能需要从远程位置或网络访问路由器设置.
  • Position the router securely and limit the range of access. 不要把你的路由器放在任何人都可以插网线进入的地方. 尽量把它放在无线信号只能到达你想要访问的地方.
  • Use a firewall. 防火墙是一种网络安全系统,根据预先确定的安全规则对进出流量进行监视和控制. 它在你的内部网络和外部互联网之间建立了一道屏障. 您的操作系统和/或安全软件可能带有预安装的防火墙. Make sure it is turned on.

保护你的数据和个人信息的最重要的方法之一是知道如何创建和使用强密码. 使用强密码并定期更改密码可以帮助您避免攻击者通过猜测或破解密码来访问您的帐户. A strong password is difficult to guess, has 8 or more characters, isn't a word in the dictionary (regardless of language), and includes numbers and special characters.

How to create strong passwords


  • Pick a phrase you can easily remember. 使用每个单词的第一个或最后一个字母并将它们组合在一起作为密码. 例如:利记sbo:1932年以来的理论与实践密码是:ltu:taps1
  • Capitalize some of the letters: hAveAGooDDay
  • Use numbers in place of vowels: secr1tP4ssw0rd
  • 从单词中去掉一些字母或故意拼错:Xpearimntl
  • Include special characters: what_t!me?izit


  1. Don't share your password with anyone. 与任何人分享你的用户名和密码信息是违反劳伦斯科技计算政策的.
  2. Don't store passwords on your computer, have your browser remember them, or leave them written on pieces of paper around your computer.
  3. Use different passwords for different systems. 不要在你所有的网站和账户上都使用相同的密码. 如果你所有的账户都使用相同的密码,那么它就被泄露了, then all your accounts are compromised.
  4. Don't create passwords using personal information like birthdays, names of children, pets, phone numbers, or addresses. 社交网站让你的个人信息随处可见,你的密码很容易被猜到.
  5. Make your passwords really long. The longer a password is, the harder it is to crack.
  6. Change your passwords regularly.
  7. 在国际旅行和使用不安全的网络后更改密码.

Are you using one of the ten most popular passwords?

What is phishing?

Phishing:   向用户发送电子邮件的行为,虚假地声称自己是一个已建立的合法企业,试图欺骗用户交出将用于身份盗窃的私人信息. 身份盗窃对受害者来说可能是毁灭性的,而且修复起来困难、昂贵且耗时.

How to identify a potentially dangerous email

有许多网站可以帮助解释网络钓鱼策略和你可以做些什么来保护自己.  For more information, look at these sites:

为了帮助Lawrence Tech社区识别合法的电子邮件,请记住:

  • Messages sent from Lawrence Tech IT Services will always be signed by name .
  • You will never be asked to send personal information in an email message. 
    • Personal Information: passwords, social security number, name, email address, residential address, credit card number, mother's maiden name, etc.
  • Any email message which indicates that you are over your email storage quota is almost always  a phishing attempt.
  • There are often grammatical or typographical errors. You may notice something just seems wrong with the grammar.
  • The return address is unknown to you. If you were able to see the "reply to" address, which was visible in some cases, 如果你回复了,你就会看到它是发到一个未知的电子邮件地址, and not an address.
  • Never click on any links in phishing emails.